Quiz #5 Thinking & Intelligence-PSYC-101

Quiz #5 Thinking & Intelligence-PSYC-101

Quiz #5 Thinking & Intelligence

Question 1
Fred wants to be a lawyer. To achieve this goal, Fred realizes he will have to graduate from college and then get into law school before he can pass the bar exam. Therefore, he decides that his first step toward his goal of being a lawyer is to apply to college. To solve his problem, Fred is

working backward

using subgoals

using an analogy
using insight

Question 2
Which of the following is an example of decision making?

You evaluate a newspaper article stating that caffeine increases heart attacks.
You compare the ski resort and beach resort and choose the ski resort for your upcoming vacation.

You decide that you can pay for your vacation if you increase your babysitting rates.

You figure out how to stop the leak from your water bottle.

Question 3
When you use a city map to find your way to a restaurant, it has some physical characteristics of the actual objects—streets and their locations. Because of this, the map is a(n) ________ representation.




Question 4
               intelligence is positively associated with academic performance and the ability to cope with the stress of college exams.




Question 5
A picture of a computer is an example of a(n) ________ representation. The word computer is an example of a(n) ________ representation.

symbolic; analogical
mental map; conceptual

analogical; symbolic

conceptual; mental map

Question 6
Larry wants to see whether he can influence his students’ test scores. When he gives his students their English test, he says, “Tall students tend to perform worse than short students on this test.” Indeed, the tall students do get lower scores on the test. These results provide support for the existence of:

stereotype threat.
fluid intelligence.

test validity.

crystallized intelligence.

Question 7
Juan believes that a robin is a good example of a bird. Sergei believes that a penguin is a good example of a bird. Juan and Sergei are both correct according to the ________ model of organizing concepts.


Question 8
When you brainstorm a list of words and concepts that are related to your personality traits, you are writing words that are related to an abstract mental concept. Because of this you are using a(n) ________ representation.


Question 9
Which of the following is an example of reasoning?

you figure out how to eat your yogurt when you forgot to bring a spoon
you analyze your friend’s claim that kale is the healthiest vegetable

you compare different models of cars before purchasing a new vehicle

you decide which major to pursue to reach your goal of going to law school

Question 10
Last week, Alana saw a television show about a rare, but fatal, illness caused by an amoeba. Today she has a stomachache and no appetite, and she concludes that she has contracted the amoeba. Alana’s thinking is most likely based on
the availability heuristic.

using framing.

the representativeness heuristic.

an algorithm.

Question 11
The main concept of general intelligence theory is that:
there are two types of intelligence.

there are three different types of intelligence.

one factor underlies intelligence.
intelligence is too general to measure accurately.

Question 12
Which of the following best describes problem solving?

using information to determine if a conclusion is valid or reasonable
selecting the best option among a set of alternatives

finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal

reasoning from general information to specific information

Question 13
Which of the following is the best evidence that genetics plays an important role in determining intelligence?
the IQs of identical twins raised together are more similar than those of identical twins raised apart

the IQs of siblings raised together are more similar than those of siblings reared apart

the IQs of adopted children are similar to those of their nonbiological siblings

the IQs of identical twins raised apart are more similar that those of nontwin siblings raised together

Question 14
Stella takes an Advanced Placement English Literature test, which is designed to assess what knowledge and skills she has learned in that subject. Stella is taking a(n) ________ test.




Question 15
Stella takes an Advanced Placement English Literature test, which is designed to assess what knowledge and skills she had learned in that subject. Stella is taking a(n)                   test.



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