Quiz #6 Motivation & Emotion-PSYC-101

Quiz #6 Motivation & Emotion-PSYC-101

Quiz #6 Motivation & Emotion

Question 1

According to  the two-factor theory, people experience emotion through:
physiological arousal followed by cognitive interpretation.

simultaneous physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation.

the subjective emotion followed by the physiological response.

the emotion correlated with the physiological response pattern.

Question 2
Blythe had a large breakfast in the late morning. Even though she was planning to skip lunch, she follows her usual routine and eats lunch at noon. The fact that Blythe eats at her normal lunchtime even though she ate a late breakfast can best be explained by:

homeostatic adjustment
poor self-regulation

low self-efficacy

classical conditioning

Question 3
Lisa does not like going to her sister Megan’s piano recitals, but she finds that if she forces herself to smile during the recital, she will ________, as predicted by the ________.

begin to feel happy; Cannon-Bard theory
not feel any differently than she did before; facial-feedback hypothesis

begin to feel happy; facial-feedback hypothesis

not feel any differently than she did before; Cannon-Bard theory

Question 4
Mauricio’s habit of eating chalk to replenish the calcium his body needs is an example of a behavior intended to maintain:

an incentive.

an optimal level of arousal.

Question 5
Jason’s face gets flushed and his heart races every time he walks into his physics class. Jason has never really liked science, so he does not think his reaction is due to the class. Instead, he decides that he must be attracted to his lab partner. Jason’s attribution of his arousal in an attempt to explain the excitement he feels is consistent with which theory of emotion?

the James-Lange theory
the two-factor theory

Maslow’s theory

the Cannon-Bard theory

Question 6
Sally is having a hard time losing weight and keeping it off, because the more weight she loses the hungrier she feels. This condition is most likely due to the effect of                 , which triggers feelings of hunger.




Question 7
You are training for a marathon. You spend all your extra time conditioning and practicing, because you believe that the more effort you put in, the more likely you are to succeed. Based on this, it is likely that you have:
low intrinsic motivation.

high self-efficacy.

low self-efficacy.

high intrinsic motivation.

Question 8
Tara is shooting hockey pucks into a net. If Tara has low self-efficacy, she will probably take             practice shots.

very difficult

moderately difficult


Question 9
Shana wants to establish an exercise routine, but she really does not like to work out. If she decides to use incentives to motivate her exercising behavior, which of the following is Shana most likely to do?

focus on how much pleasure she feels when she is exercising
weigh herself each morning to decide how much she needs to exercise that day

work out at midnight when she has the most energy

buy herself a new pair of shoes after exercising every day for two weeks

Question 10
Your sister complains how she hates how she feels guilty all the time. To cheer her up, you want to tell her about the ways that guilt can be adaptive. Which one of the following things would you tell her?

people who feel guilt are more intelligent overall

only survivor guilt can have negative psychological consequences

guilt strengthens relationships by showing that you care about the other person

guilt is adaptive, unless you are not responsible for the negative outcomes

Question 11
Regulation of body fat primarily involves the hormone called:





Question 12
Stewart applies for a high-paying job because he wants to be able to afford a nice apartment and car. During his interview, he is aggressive in expressing his thoughts and ideas in an attempt to impress the interviewer. A motivation theorist who interprets Stewart’s behavior in terms of extrinsic motivation would say that Stewart’s behavior in the interview is most likely motivated by:

a strong need for esteem

an optimal level of arousal

the drive to achieve homeostatis

the incentive of wanting to earn a high salary

Question 13
After finishing elementary school, Mia moved to a new school district for middle school. Almost none of her friends from elementary school came with her to the new school. She feels anxious and quickly joins an after-school club. What motive may be driving Mia’s behavior?


egosystem goals

familiarity principle

need to belong

Question 14
You are walking through the jungle and you see a huge snake. You start shaking. Which of the following explanations best represents the James-Lange theory of emotion?

You are shaking because you are afraid.

You are shaking because you know that a snake is scary.

You are shaking and you are afraid simultaneously.

You are afraid because you are shaking.

Question 15
Timo does not have many memories of his early childhood. However, one thing he remembers clearly is when he broke his favorite toy. He remembers crying for days when his parents would not replace it. This childhood memory may be especially clear for Timo because:

emotional events are more likely to be stored in long-term memory.

crying is a primary emotional response.

the hypothalamus stores emotions from childhood.

the amygdala is not activated during episodes of crying.

Quiz #6 Motivation & Emotion-PSYC-101





