Quiz #8 Self & Personality-PSYC-101

Quiz #8 Self & Personality-PSYC-101
Quiz #8 Self & Personality
Question 1

Which person is most likely to have a sense of self largely defined by his social roles and group relationships?

Miko, who is raised in Japan
Pierre, who is raised in France

Mike, who is raised in New York

Martin, who is raised in Canada

Question 2
When a person is loved regardless of his or her actions, Rogers calls this:

unconditional positive regard
reflected appraisal regard

unconditional appraisal regard

conditional positive regard

Question 3
How is age related to stability of personality?

There is some stability at any age, but particularly after age 50.
Children’s personalities are more stable than older adults.

Age and personality stability are unrelated.

Personality traits are equally stable at any age range.

Question 4
Which of the following statements is true?
self-esteem is related to others’ perceptions

self-esteem strongly predicts lifetime success

self-esteem is very stable over one’s lifetime

self-esteem depends on the situation in which a person finds himself or herself
Question 5
Regardless of the environment she is in, six-year-old Trisha always seems to be moving. She never sits still for long and prefers to run around instead of watching TV or playing on the computer. In what aspect of temperament does Trisha seems to be high?
activity level




Question 6
Our memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self are integrated to make up our:



working self-concept.

Question 7
Anik’s id is a very dominant force in his personality. Which of the following is Anik most likely to do?

follow his impulses when making decisions
feel embarrassed even if he has done nothing wrong

act calmly around strangers

resolve conflicts in a peaceful way

Question 8
When Phia’s boss tells her that she is lazy and needs to work harder, Phia smiles and nods politely. That night, she screams at her husband, Eric, for burning the steaks. According to psychodynamic theory, Phia’s behavior most likely is a result of the defense mechanism of:




Question 9
Psychologists use the term personality mainly to refer to characteristics and behaviors that:

are relatively stable across time and circumstances.
show little variability across persons.

stem from conscious intentions.

are relatively easy to observe and measure.

Question 10
When Teri does poorly on her chemistry midterm exam, she attributes this failure to her professor’s poor exam writing skills. This could be an example of:

self-serving bias

reflected appraisal

better-than-average bias

Question 11
At three years of age, Megan was classified as having an undercontrolled temperament. According to research, as an adult, Megan will be more likely to:
abuse alcohol
be anxious

be depressed

attempt suicide

Question 12
How you experience yourself in the present, depending on which part of yourself is most relevant at the time, is referred to as:

a working self-concept.
a self-schema.


a sociometer.

Question 13
Dr. Roger is a psychologist trained in person-centered approach to therapy. Which of the following describes how Dr. Roger would treat a client?

he would discuss his client’s problems as the client understands them
he would have his client take tests that measure the five-factor theory

he would have his client take multiple projective tests to reveal unconscious conflicts

he would have his client’s behaviors observed by two or more raters

Question 14
A trait that is determined largely by biological processes is called a:

basic tendency

characteristic adaptation

working self-concept

Question 15
Frank believes that he is more valuable and special than anyone else. As a result, he feels he is entitled to special treatment, focuses mainly on his own needs, and gets angry when anyone challenges him. Frank most likely:

is narcissistic.
has low self-esteem.

is using his sociometer.

is experiencing reflected appraisal.

Quiz #8 Self & Personality-PSYC-101




