Rap music makes people violent is biased because it does not make people any more or less sensitive to violence

Rap music makes people violent is biased because it does not make people any more or less sensitive to violence

cover page, the full five paragraph essay with titles, and the reference page.topic sentences, introduction, thesis statement 2-3 quotes This essay is a five-paragraph response essay, and the purpose is to make you consider carefully something that you have read. For this assignment, you will be writing a response to an article whose author takes a position with which you disagree. Your task is to analyze and explain why that person’s position is incorrect. Your response may discuss flaws in the writer’s argument or errors in cited facts—or a combination of the two. It is important to remember that you are to respond with logic and reason. No matter how uninformed or ignorant you may find the writer’s position, you must respond in a professional manner. You will be relying on logos to make your point, and you will refrain from appealing to pathos to convince the reader of your position. This essay is a formal, academic essay. This means the response essay should be written in third person. Do not use first person words such as “I,” “me,” or “my.” Do not use second person words such as “you” or “yours.” You may not use contractions or clichés in your final draft.




