Review of Baltimore Consort Music Performance

Review of Baltimore Consort Music Performance

Review of Baltimore Consort Music Performance

Written review of the performance this is the link for the music performances.

Technical Requirements: Single-sided. Double-spaced. Stapled with program card attached


You do not need to consult outside sources. Your final document should resemble a review that is suitable for inclusion in a newspaper, reflect your personal concert experience. No cover page or graphics are necessary.

Please write as if your reader did not attend the concert and knows nothing about it.

While not formal in a “term paper” sense, your approach should be formal. The following suggested structure should aid you. Your final paper will is likely to be between 2 and 3 pages, approximately 500-750 words.

Paragraph 1, general details: Include name of ensemble, date, time and location of concert. You might also include general observations about the overall pre-concert atmosphere. If you watched the concert through video or arrived late/left early, it should be acknowledged in this paragraph.

Paragraph 2, specifics: Include the names of individual performers and their respective instruments, as well as selections that are performed. (These will be in the printed program that can be used as reference.) Please be aware that any changes can be acknowledged in your paper.

Paragraph 3, opinion: Identify the musical selection that you enjoyed the least, and justify

Paragraph 4, opinion: Identify the musical selection that you enjoyed the most, and justify

Paragraph 5, summary: Provide a general statement of your overall concert experience, and include other comments you wish to add.


Your paper is worth 10 points. Up to two points will be awarded for meeting each content goal described above. Points may be deducted for excessive errors of spelling and grammar or for failure to meet the technical requirements listed above.

Answer Preview-Review of Baltimore Consort Music Performance

Review of Baltimore Consort Music Performance




