Sociological Description of Family

Sociological Description of Family

Sociological Description of Family

Now you will have an opportunity to arrange your thoughts in a formal (but brief!) paper. Please write in “first person” rather than the formal “the writer believes” style.

  1. Write a short paper (2-3 pages) describing your family in sociological terms.
    • Describe your current family and how you fit into it.
    • Apply at least 6 terms from the first 3 chapters of your text. These terms should be applied to your family in accurate and clear ways.  To be eligible for an A requires more than 6terms.  See Rubric for Workshop 1 paper.

Rubric for WS 1 paper

(92-100 points) Students earning an “A,” must demonstrate a clear understanding of more than 6 concepts in the text and be able to apply them to a real family.  The basic structure of the essay will be sound, and there will be only a few grammatical errors if any.

(82-91 points) Students earning a “B,” will demonstrate a clear understanding of the 6 concepts in the text and be able to apply them to a real family.  Students will make few grammatical errors.

(72-81 points) Students earning a “C,” will demonstrate some understanding of 4 concepts in the text and attempt to apply them. Some grammatical and diction errors are permissible.

(65-71 points) Students earning a “D,” will possibly not have a good understanding of 4 concepts and not be able to apply them well. Grammatical errors are likely to be numerous and distract the reader from the text.  Essentially, the student may have worked hard, but does not meet the standards for a “C.”

(64-0 points) Students earning an “F,” will have presented work that does not display an understanding of concepts or their applications, will contain numerous factual errors, numerous grammatical errors.

Answer Preview-Sociological Description of Family

Sociological Description of Family





