Star Trek as a Science Fiction

Star Trek as a Science Fiction

Star Trek as a Science Fiction-Using Star Trek’s “Space seed” by Gene Roddenberry as a model, pick one of the following essay choices (of 2-3 pages for each). In your intro sentence (s), mention the title/author under discussion, the topic of the essay, and a definition and/or identification of the key terms or figure. In your conclusion sentence, restate the title/author and   summarize the essay topic.

1) how is the story science fiction? Identify/discuss any 8 specific examples that apply to the General element/characteristics of science fiction.

2) How is khan a Satan figure? Explain any 8 specific ways how khan might resemble lucifer/Satan.

3) Argue for and against the story’s theme of EUGENICS (hereditary improvement by genetic control). Give any 4 ways that khan (and/or his follower) demonstrate a persuasion case for pursuing eugenic, and give another 4 ways that khan (and/or follower) models a case against the pursuit of eugenic.

Answer Preview-Star Trek as a Science Fiction

Star Trek as a Science Fiction




