Substance Use and Mental Illnesses

Substance Use and Mental Illnesses

Substance Use and Mental Illnesses

  1. Share your perception of someone who has developed a substance use illness with mood-altering substances. What are your beliefs about the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of this individual? Discuss your capability to assist this individual in a personal face-to-face session where this person is requesting your assistance.
  2. INDIVIDUAL SESSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This older Jewish woman’s husband died after a long illness. She was referred to the practitioner by the hospital social worker after surgery for cancer. The hospital social worker described her as a woman with many strengths who is discouraged, depressed, and angry. The sessions are held in her home and the practitioner comes to her. Answer and post these questions prior to watching the first video. • How would you prepare for a first meeting with this client? • What are your hunches about what the client might be thinking, feeling, and expecting? • What are your concerns about working with this client? • What, if any, personal issues would working with this client bring up for you?
  1. FAMILY SESSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This African American and Caucasian family includes three boys ranging in age from 7 to 13 years old. This family was referred by the school counselor who is concerned about the low grades of the oldest boy. In the initial phone call, the mother mentioned that she and her husband have serious disagreements about discipline. All of these sessions occur in the family counselor’s office. Answer and post these questions prior to watching the first video. • How would you prepare for a first meeting with this client? • What are your hunches about what the client might be thinking, feeling, and expecting? • What are your concerns about working with this client? • What, if any, personal issues would working with this client bring up for you?


  1. GROUP SESSION BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Psycho-educational support group: This group of women live in a low-income area of an urban community. Responding to an identified need, the local neighborhood community center announced a group for mothers who wanted to talk about issues such as parenting, stress, and family life. The group sessions will be held at the community center. Answer and post these questions prior to watching the first video. • How would you prepare for a first meeting with these clients? • What are your hunches about what the clients might be thinking, feeling, and expecting? • What are your concerns about working with these clients? • What, if any, personal issues would working with these clients bring up for you? Post answers and engage in a discussion with your colleagues about this case
  2. Questions: Put yourself in the role of counselor as you address the following questions. 1. What are your preliminary impressions related to the case? 2. What are the key facts in the case? 3. What are some of the questions you might want to explore with the client? 4. How might your own spiritual, gender, culture, or ethical beliefs influence interacting with this client? 5. Do you have any biases, prejudices, or stereotypes related to this client? See the first posting under this discussion area for the description of Bill’s case. Over the next week, have a discussion with the other members of your group on this board

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Substance Use and Mental  Illnesses





