Team Player versus Individual Worker

Team Player versus Individual Worker

Team Player versus Individual Worker-First explain whether or not you think you are a team player or more someone who works better alone. After your own self-rating, go online and do a search on terms such as “team player quiz” or “team player questionnaire.” Report your results and compare with your initial self-ratings. Also, provide the link to the test you found in case any of your classmates want to use it.

Finally, take a look at the Modules 1-2 discussions and the responses from your classmates and assess whether this class has a diverse variety of different personalities and other characteristics, or if you think your classmates generally have similar characteristics. If you and your classmates were all to work at a company for the same manager, do you think this manager would have any easy or hard time managing this group?

Answer Preview-Team Player versus Individual Worker

Team Player versus Individual Worker




