“The Indian” Influence on Latin American History

“The Indian” Influence on Latin American History

“The Indian” Influence on Latin American History -Over the past Summer Session 1, we have read, interpreted, discussed, and wrote about several foundational aspects of Latin American history. The question of race and ethnicity has been a reoccurring theme throughout the past five weeks. Multiple countries of the region share a history of state-led programs, grassroots movements, and society-wide debates surrounding the role of race and ethnicity within the complex process of nation making.

For your final paper, address the following question: Why and how has “the Indian” shaped Latin American history in the twentieth century? As part of addressing this overarching question, identify and describe how these issues have changed and shifted over the past one-hundred years. Economic, political, and cultural aspects of this history should be analyzed and discussed in your paper. You may choose to write about one country (ex. Mexico), one region (the Andes), or all of the countries we have covered for this summer session. The final part of your paper should move beyond the role of Indian/indigenous communities to interpret race and ethnicity from a transnational perspective.

A high quality paper contains the following characteristics:

(1) Demonstration of a critical engagement with the assigned reading from the course syllabus

(2) A coherent organization and structure

(3) A clear thesis supported by evidence and sources that are properly cited (please use footnotes that correspond to Chicago-style formattinghttp://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html)

(4) Correctly identifies changes and continuities over time

(5) Proper grammar

The paper should be at least seven pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman.

Students can utilize a helpful guide to writing historical essays that Rutgers University published for undergraduate students.

Answer Preview-“The Indian” Influence on Latin American History 

“The Indian” Influence on Latin American History 




