Thinking and Intelligence-PSYC-101

Thinking and Intelligence-PSYC-101
Thinking and Intelligence
Question 1
Which of the following is NOT an example of thinking?
taking a nap with soft music playing

translating your Spanish homework into English

calculating the tip on your dinner bill

using a map to drive to a new store

Question 2
A road map and a photograph have some of the physical characteristics of objects. Therefore, they are                 of the external world around us.

symbolic maps
mental maps

analogical representations


Question 3
Which of the following is an example of a symbolic representation?

a diagram of the human body
a family tree
a sign language gesture for please

a subway map

Question 4
Dr. Brown conducts research on how concepts are represented in people’s minds. He believes that each category has one perfect representation of a concept. Based on this, Dr. Brown most likely follows the                model of organizing ideas and objects.



Question 5
Cognitive schemas allow for easy, fast processing of information about people, events, or groups that are related in some way. However, when we make generalizations about these people, events, or groups, we are using:

the prototype model
the exemplar model


Question 6
Your friend says the new restaurant in town has the best hamburgers. To decide whether she is correct, you read a variety of online restaurant reviews. You are using                  reasoning to determine whether this conclusion is valid.




Question 7
Niya did well on her midterm psychology exam. She decides that in order to do well on her upcoming final, she needs to wear the same outfit that she did for the midterm and also use the same pencil. This type of superstitious behavior reflects which cognitive bias?availability heuristic
confirmation bias

hindsight bias

illusory correlation

Question 8
When Marcus chooses which candy bar to purchase, he uses             , and when he is trying to figure out how to get the candy bar back to his dorm without it melting, he is using                .

problem solving; decision making
decision making; decision making

problem solving; problem solving

decision making; problem solving

Question 9
Last week, Alana saw a television show about a rare fatal illness caused by an amoeba. Today she has a stomachache and no appetite, and she concludes she has contracted the amoeba. Alana’s thinking is most likely based on:

using framing
an algorithm
the representativeness heuristic

the availability heuristic

Question 10
When you meet Renee, she tells you that she loves math and building computers and robots. You decide that Renee must be an engineering student and not a liberal arts student, even though there are more liberal arts students than engineering students in your school. In making your decision, you have just used:

the availability heuristic
an algorithm
the representativeness heuristic

an analogy

Question 11
Terry is making a multilayer wedding cake. While trying to make sure it does not collapse, he remembers a bridge he saw that had an interesting support system. He applies that support system to the cake structure to make sure the cake does not collapse. Terry               to solve his problem.

worked backward
created subgoals

used an analogy
used insight

Question 12
Bob is baking a cake but realizes that he is missing some ingredients. He has to make the cake, so he finds a new recipe that will work with the ingredients he has. Bob is engaging in:

informal reasoning
formal reasoning

problem solving

Question 13
You are studying for your exam, when the power goes out. In order to have enough light to read your textbook, you put your cell phone in front of the page and use the light from the screen to read the book. You are able to successfully study for your exam because you avoid:
working backward

using analogies

functional fixedness

restructuring the problem

Question 14
The idea that a single factor contributes to performance on all intellectual tasks is know as the                intelligence theory.




Question 15
Answer the following questions (Minimum of 100 words for all 3 questions, provide word count. Use complete sentences)

1. Define both fluid and crystallized intelligence

2. Give 1 example of each

3. Describe the relationship between these 2 types of intelligence

Answer Preview-Thinking and Intelligence-PSYC-101

Thinking and Intelligence-PSYC-101




