U.S Party Presidential Nomination Elections

U.S Party Presidential Nomination Elections

U.S Party Presidential Nomination Elections

For this week’s assignment, you will prepare an outline using Final Media Project Outline Template. The outline will assist you in organizing and presenting your ideas for the Final Media Project which is due at the end of week Five. You will also generate a list of potential sources that you plan to draw from for the Final Media Project. You should also review the instructions for the Final Media Project located in Week Five for more specific information.

The topic you choose must surround a political, social, or economic issue that is current in the news media. This will require you to pay close attention to what is going on in the media. In addition to your local media outlets, you should also read, view, or listen to national publications and broadcasts to broaden your scope knowledge about what is trending. Sources of information can include news programs, outline digital news sources, prints, publications, and radio programs.

For the Final Media Project outline, you must:

* Identify a national or international political, social, or economic issue.

*Discuss the presentation of the issue in current media systems.

* Identify the target audience of the mediated message you intend to create about the issue.

* Choose mainstream and social media outlets for which the message will appear and discuss the rationale for choosing each media outlet.

* Adhere to Final Media Project Outline Template.

The Final Media Project Outline must:

Include at least four potential sources of information.

= At least two sources of information must be abut the issue.

= At least two sources must support your choice of potential media Outlets for your message

* Be formatted according to the APA style.

Answer Preview-U.S Party Presidential Nomination Elections

U.S Party Presidential Nomination Elections




