Understanding Economic Times In Strategic Planning

Understanding Economic Times In Strategic Planning

Understanding Economic Times In Strategic Planning

Knowing the cycles of business and when economic times might occur are part of the strategic planning process. Below is a chart I developed depicting the downturns in the US economy since the end of World War II. Note the government officially ended our current recession in June, 2009.
How might this chart help you in developing your strategic plan?

Beginning Month Ending Month No. of Months
February, 1945 October, 1945 8
November, 1948 October, 1949 11
July, 1953 May, 1954 10
August, 1957 April, 1958 8
April, 1960 February, 1961 10
December, 1969 November, 1970 11
November, 1973 March, 1975 16
January, 1980 July, 1980 6
July, 1981 November, 1982 16
July, 1990 March, 1991 8
March, 2001 November, 2001 8
December, 2007 June, 2009 18

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Understanding Economic Times In Strategic Planning 




