What People Think About Psychologists

What People Think About Psychologists

What People Think About Psychologists-Ask three acquaintances (friends, family, co-workers) what they think of when they hear the word “psychologist”? What do they think psychologists do? What is(are) their answer source(s)? Ask them if they can name a famous psychologist. What opinions do they think the general public holds about people with mental illness? How do they see psychologists represented in the media? Make a mental note about whether they seem to be sharing negative or positive  impressions in answering your questions. Post a summary of their answers in an initial post a minimum of 400 words long (Note: Although it is unlikely that anyone in our class would recognize names, out of personal courtesy you should not mention any identifying information and instead use “my friend” or “my relative” or “my co-worker” in your post when referencing persons you asked the above questions).

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What People Think About Psychologists




