Why the Medicare Should be Reformed

Why the Medicare Should be Reformed

Why the Medicare Should be Reformed

The Medicare system is currently undergoing a dramatic shift, as the number of people participating is increasing, which in turn has enormous consequences for how it is funded.  Some argue that Medicare spending is out of control and will result in a collapse of the system if nothing changes, while others claim the system is doing well and is meeting the needs of the millions of Americans who have no other health care. For this discussion, you will participate in a debate with your classmates about Medicare.

Students with last names starting with the letters A-M will be on the “Maintain Medicare As-Is” side.

Students with last names starting with N-Z will be on the “Reform Medicare” side.

To start, you will need to craft your initial argument in support of the side you have been assigned based on your last name (either maintain or reform).  This post must be a minimum of 300 words.  Describe how the organization and delivery of Medicare and the social, financial, legal, ethical, and regulatory forces impact your side of the debate.  Remember, your post must analyze how these factors work together to support your assigned view on Medicare reform.  Even if you do not personally agree with the side that has been assigned to you, you must still present a convincing argument that upholds that side in your initial post and your responses.

Answer Preview-Why the Medicare Should be Reformed 

Why the Medicare Should be Reformed





