Writing Planning Process

Writing Planning Process

Writing Planning Process-

Blog instructions: Two Blog Posts Required
Respond to the two questions below based on your topic choice for the narrative essay you will draft in week one (see topics below).   Do not post your essay here, only the pre-writing activities as described below. Your entire Week 1 blog entry should be no less than three hundred words.
Blog Questions
1. Describe your planning process. How do you personally prepare for a writing assignment? Which points of the star do you consider when planning a writing assignment?
2. Choose one of the activities (pages 17 -27): brainstorming, listing, freewriting, questioning, or sketching to see how many ideas you can come up with in  5-10 minutes that relate to your topic. Post your discovery activity in your blog and a reflection on its effect on the development of your essay. (Visuals can be photographed and posted as pictures.)

Answer Preview-Writing Planning Process

Writing Planning Process




